220 Main Street
Newport, NJ 08345

Phone: 856-447-4673
Fax: 856-447-3005
Home COVID-19 Choice HIB BOE Staff Parents NJSLA Clubs Nurse Cafeteria Facilities

Thursday, February 6, 2025 2 hour delay

Due to possible icy road conditions 

Single Session Day

Friday, February 14th

School Closed

Monday, February 17th

Quick Links
School Uniform Examples (pdf)
Reorganization Meeting 01072025 (pdf)
AD- November 2024 (1) (pdf)
Emergency Virtual or Remote Instruction Plan 2024-2025 R (pdf)
2024-2025 School Calendar (pdf)
Safe Return Plan revised 6-18-24 (1) (pdf)
User Friendly Budget Report 2425 (pdf)
ESSER III use of funds (pdf)
Call In Information for Board Meeting (pdf)
Monthly Calendar
HIB Information

Anti-Bullying Coordinator
    Mrs. Sherri Miller

Anti-Bullying Specialist
    Mrs. Alysia Thomson

HIB Forms
SSDS 2023-2024 Period 2 (pdf)
SSDS 2023-2024 Period 1 (pdf)
5131.1 - Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (5) (pdf)
HIB Reporting Link for School Personnel
HIB Reporting Form for Families
Guidance for Parents on the AntiBullying Bill of Rights Act
Sites for Kids and Teens
BP-101-parents (pdf)
BP-101-elementary (pdf)

News & Announcements

Congratulations, Teacher of the Year!
Carli Beckett has been selected as our 2024-25 Teacher of the Year!
Employment Opportunities
The Downe Township School District has a variety of openings for the 2024-2025 school.
Check here for updates and announcements regarding the COVID-19 virus.
Child Find (pdf)

Our Mission

The Downe Township School District's mission is to enable students to become knowledgeable, skillful, life-long learners who are contributing citizens in our changing modern technological society.

We affirm that all students can learn and have the right to attend a school which is safe, disciplined and drug free.  The Downe Township Board of Education is therefore committed to providing a school curriculum that is aligned with the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and Common Core State Standards which fosters high expectations while maintaining a school climate which is conducive to learning.

We believe that each child is a unique and precious individual with individual strengths and learning styles and is entitled to an education that encourages each student to perform to the limit of his or her potential.

Learning is the result of a strong partnership of parents, teachers and the community.   Students are challenged to be active participants in the quest for excellence.

Downe Township Elementary School   |   220 Main Street, Newport, NJ 08345   |   Phone: 856-447-4673   Fax:  856-447-3005

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. El USDA es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad oportunidades.

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