220 Main Street
Newport, NJ 08345

Phone: 856-447-4673
Fax: 856-447-3005
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Board of Education
AD- Openings June 20, 2024 (pdf)
User Friendly Budget Report 2425 (pdf)
Annual Board Meetings 2024 (pdf)
User Friendly Budget 22 23 (pdf)
Application-Teacher or Other Professional (pdf)
Application-Support Staff or Substitute (pdf)
Board Agendas
Board Meeting Minutes
User Friendly Budgets
Affirmative Action Greivance Form (pdf)
BOE Members
BOE Policies

The Downe Township Board of Education is made up of nine members that are elected by the voters of the Township. Work session/regular board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Elementary School in the library at 6:30 pm. The public is invited to attend.


  • Mrs. Sherri Miller,  Superintendent / Principal
  • Ms. Lisa DiNovi, Business Administrator
  • Mrs. Sandi Lore, Administrative Office Manager

Board Members

  • Mr. Albert Casper – President
  • Mr. Raymond Chaplin, Jr. – Vice President
  • Mrs. Marie Blizzard
  • Mr. Kevin Coleman
  • Mr. Brent Daly
  • Mr. Kyle Myers
  • Mr. Sean Pignatelli
  • Mrs.Candy Stratton
  • Vacancy

Downe Township Elementary School   |   220 Main Street, Newport, NJ 08345   |   Phone: 856-447-4673   Fax:  856-447-3005

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. El USDA es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad oportunidades.

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